COVID-19’s Effect on Customers, Retailers and Ecommerce Platforms
COIVD-19 and Ecommerce COVID-19 is decimating economies, businesses and supply chains globally. Retail and direct to consumer brands are at the sharp end of these shifts. We are now in a period of enforced change, for the adventurous, it’s a time of opportunity. Overnight changes in consumer expectations and behaviors have inspired agile and…
3 questions to ask yourself before hiring a data scientist
Hiring a Data Scientist can be a daunting task, but why exactly is it so difficult? When the Harvard Business Review named “data scientist’ the sexiest job of the 21st century they drew attention to a major change that had happened in the way that businesses view their data. Nowadays it is difficult to find a…
The role of the Chief Data Officer (CDO)
An August 2019 MIT Sloan article begins with the premise "As the chief data officer (CDO) role evolves to focus on innovation and growth, job ambiguity and entrenched company cultures remain stumbling blocks." From our experience helping organizations with their Data Strategy, we know the challenges all too well. Where does the CDO report into?… -
CLV for B2B Part II
In my our blog post we discussed some of the difficulties regarding CLV for B2B and looked at some of the use cases once it is achieved. Whereas the prior post was all about customer focused use cases, this post will be about product related use cases. Product in a Customer Centric World We won’t…
CLV for B2B Part I
In our prior posts we explored what most certainly isn’t CLV and how CLV and CBCV (created by the minds at Theta Equity Partners) can be used for Omnichannel Retailers. These next two posts will explore a different direction. Each one will focus on ways in which CLV can used to gain an edge in…